I really enjoyed the Skype time last week with Mr. November. It really put into perspective the ideas and examples that are explained in his book. I found it very useful the way he presented information as it showed his desire to help technology continue to grow and conquer some of the challenges that are getting in the way, administrators. I particularly liked when we said we as the new generation to technology with the fresh ideas need to present and teach those who are resistant to the change. At first I thought that would be impossible but after thought I think if approached appropriately our ideas can be expressed. It may not work but I think we all have the new tools that we need to share to express the benefits to learning that they each have. I think of it as "I am going to teach my administrator, ya right" but really they need to understand the tools and the true benefits to the students since this is 21st century learning. It is overcoming the fear and going working to help this move further and expand!
I also liked the piece on parent communication. I think it is very important to get parents involved and the resources and tools he offered to make this happen were great! Megan also talked about this on her blog. Find the link below where Megan talks about these concepts as well.
Megan's blog
Here is also a great link I found about education and parent involvement.
"In this complex world, it takes more than a good school to educate children. And it takes more than a good home. It takes these two major educational institutions working together."
- Dorothy Rich, Author of Megaskills.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Week 6- GoAnimate
This week I also explored GoAnimate. This tool was different from Animoto. I found it more difficult to navigate and create as it required dialog for each character to tell a story. Here is a link to the video I explored with. I worked on this with my younger cousin who is 13. She found it fun and thought it would be important to create a video on the subject of making friends and what good friends do. I think there is a strong message in this story that can be taught to any grade level. Enjoy!
New Friends
New Friends
Week 6- Animoto Video
For my Animoto project I decided to take a poem titled Easy Seasons created by Alan Benjamin and add music and pictures to aid in my instruction of not only the season (science curriculum) but also our up coming writing unit on poems. I would use this poem to teach poetry as well as the seasons. I think this tool adds a great touch to the poem and makes it more meaningful and fun for the students. This tool will enhance literacy as students learn the components of a poem by reading. Phonics can also be taught through this poem. I hope you enjoy!
Easy Seasons
Easy Seasons
Week 5- Wiki
While exploring Wiki's this week I came across a great wiki created by a first/second grade teacher, Kathy Collins. Collins is a teacher in Canada who does truly amazing things with technology in her classroom. I follow her website and feed which offers great examples and tools for classroom use. The wiki that I discovered was titled 1000 Names. On this wiki she was teaching her students about the number 1000 and what it would look like so she asked views to type their name in the cells provided. Her goal was to get 1000 names for her students as it connected to her math curriculum. I think this was a great way for collaboration and the digital community piece. This blog has 1778 names! Follow the link to see for yourself!
1000 Names- Kathy Collins
1000 Names- Kathy Collins
Week 5 Browsing Digital Storytelling Tools
This week when I was browsing the many sites with the digital storytelling tools, I can across some great projects that sparked ideas for my own creations. Our technology specialist created a digital story using StoryBird about rabbits and shared with my class a few weeks ago during our technology session. The kids really loved the tool and were eager to create their own stories. On the StoryBird website, I thought it was great that you could browse through and even search for a topic of interest. Browsing different examples sparked many ideas that I would like to try. There were many books about rabbits but they were all unique, creative, and much different which made me realize that the possibilities are endless with these digital storytelling tools. I look forward to using this tool with my first graders!
Week 5-Digital Storytelling
This year I have been trying to use digital storytelling more with my first graders. I completed one at the beginning of the year whole group about our class after each student created their own to share a story about themselves. This was a great way for students to get to know each other and gain a sense of community in our classroom. Currently we are working on a writing unit, Author's as Mentors, where students are studying three authors to learn their craft of writing and then are trying to write pieces following the style. Students have been very eager to write each story and I have been thinking of ways that they can publish their pieces digitally. After exploring the many possibilities of digital storytelling I have been trying to think of ways that I can publish their final pieces using a digital storytelling tool. I have used StoryBird before and was thinking maybe LittleBirdTales but I am not really sure. Any suggestions or ideas?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Week 4- Articles
The two article attachments from class 3 triggered me to begin thinking about the use of technology at other grade levels. For instance, I began to think of how blogging and literacy integration could be utilized at the middle school or high school level since I always find myself thinking about first grade only because that is what I teach. Does anyone think the same way.. do you only think about the grade you teach rather than the whole range of grade levels? I started to think about the technology possibilities that I would have available if I taught high school. I began by thinking back to my own high school years and the technology that was offered. This was difficult as all I remember for use of technology was the internet on big desktop computers. Now a days the opportunities are endless. Many times when I look for SMARTboard program files and other ideas through the internet it is much easier to find resources at the upper levels rather then primary. Does anyone find the same problems? Just interesting to think. I know there are many resources out there for the primary grades but I think more work needs to be put into place for more opportunities to utilize.
Week 4- Empowering Students with Technology
Five and six year olds using Ipads and net-books in the classroom! In the chapters read this week in November's book there are many wonderful technology opportunities offered for students at any age in the classroom. I think these chapters brought together many of the discussions and articles that we have been focusing on over the past couple of weeks. This was not only an informational text where definitions and road-maps on to how to use the internet but it was a great resource with examples of how technology can be used effectively. I was able to make many connections between my own classroom and the information presented. I evaluated my classroom blog and began to think about how I can connect my blog to increasing the home-school connection for my students. I thought of ways to improve my blog, not only by using these chapters but also by using points in Bonk's article from week 3. On page 37 in November's book he talks about the importance of classroom websites as a way to get parents more involved in what is happening inside the classroom. I want to take this a step further and use my blog, since I already have a classroom website through my schools website, to see it I can increase parent involvement. I have set this as my goal for the next few months to see if an increase is noticed as I am currently having a hard time getting parents involved what is happening in the classroom. I also like the information presented in this book in regards to Skyping. As I posted in an earlier post, I have used Skype in my classroom before. We have Skyped with another first grade class in the district and also Skyped with a farm last year when we studied animal babies as part of our Science unit. I have a colleague who used Skype to talk with her class when she was on maternity leave. They student, parent, and teacher feedback was great! I agree with November that there are endless possibilities when using Skype in the classroom.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Week 3-Readings
This weeks articles, Teaching With Authors' Blogs and How Technology Is Changing School, were very interesting. Both articles focused on blogging. They explained the importance of blogging focusing on students who are not in school, or as a means to post discussions and reflections of course work in a forum manner. At the high school level, students who are unable to attend school can use the blog to keep up with work to finish their high school degree. Non-traditional forms of education can be expressed through blogging. The importance of 21st century learning is expressed as a way to offer more options to learning and grow intellectually while utilizing technology. E-Books are explored and viewed as the new age of textbooks. I began to think about how I would feel about all my textbooks being only online. I like to highlight a lot in my books so I think it would be difficult. I have had courses before where my books have been online or I have accessed my book through my Kindle rather than buying it is was very hard for me to get used to it. I think for college students this may be very beneficial, however for elementary and secondary students it may not always be appropriate. I have used stories online with my first graders however, I think it is also important for students to hold and manage a book in their hands so I do not think E-Books should only be used. I am a strong supporter of using both, having a balance. In my classroom, I use blogging to communicate with parents and show off what students are working on. This article made me consider posting more work assignments that students can access if they miss school, like spelling lists, so that they have access to work at home if they are on vacation or sick. In the article, Teaching With Authors' Blogs, authors explain how they use use blogs to teach connections, collaboration, and creativity. This article was more like an informational article on what blogs can be used for. I enjoyed how this article showed how blogging can connect to literacy, particularly with young children with children's books, and how blogs can be created to be very creative by using videos and podcasts. These articles gave me any ideas on what I can incorporate into my blog to make it more interesting.
Week 3- Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling is a wonderful resource that I am looking forward to using in this class. I used digital storytelling last year with my Kindergartener's as part of our author's study on Eric Carle. Students each had a part to read of the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We used VoiceThread to tell our story. Students created pictures through TuxPaint and I imported them into the VoiceThread. Then students recorded themselves reading their sections of the story. We finalized our story by putting their pictures together with their reading. Once completed we viewed and commented on each others reading and shared online with parents. This project was great for beginning readers. Students were able to practice sight words, reading behaviors, strategies, and fluency through this project. This is a great way and fun way to get students interested in reading and motivated at a young age. My students loved this project so much that when I see them this year they always bring it up and ask if I still have it!
I found many advantages of using VoiceThread. I really liked how parents could view the story just by clicking on a link I posted in my blog and then could write a comment that the students could read. Students were eager to listen to the comments left and it offered students away to digitally share and discuss their work. Using VoiceThread was easy to create and manage. I was a little uneasy about letting the students use this site because they were only Kindergarteners but it was very safe and easy for me to monitor their use as there was only one area where the story was that students needed to view. I would defiantly recommend this website to other teachers at the primary level. It is not only great from digital storytelling but the use of this site is endless.
I found many advantages of using VoiceThread. I really liked how parents could view the story just by clicking on a link I posted in my blog and then could write a comment that the students could read. Students were eager to listen to the comments left and it offered students away to digitally share and discuss their work. Using VoiceThread was easy to create and manage. I was a little uneasy about letting the students use this site because they were only Kindergarteners but it was very safe and easy for me to monitor their use as there was only one area where the story was that students needed to view. I would defiantly recommend this website to other teachers at the primary level. It is not only great from digital storytelling but the use of this site is endless.
Class 3- Free Web Resources for Your Classroom
I really enjoyed the website, Free Web Resources for Your Classroom. It suggested many resources that I would like to try in my classroom. There were resources that I have seen and used before and then there were many that I have did not know that I am eager to try. I particularly enjoyed the virtual field trips, EarthCam, and Google Earth. These websites could be used as part of many subjects in our curriculum. The field trips related directly to our science curriculum. We will be studying next month the life cycle of butterflies. On this website I found a virtual field trip that takes students to a butterfly conservatory where students can observe real live butterflies through cameras and exhibits. There were many resources and activities offered to enhance learning. The resources and activities also had a literacy base tied to the science curriculum, it covered multiple areas. Reading was required for some descriptions and captions with also added a literacy component. Schema and background knowledge would be utilized to help understand come concepts and ideas presented during this field trip. I think this is a great way for students to get a hands-on approach to learning, literacy and science skills, as well as increase motivation and interest while staying right in the warmth of the classroom. I would also like to use the EarthCam and Google Earth with my students. I have used Google Earth with my students once during Social Studies when we learned about maps, directions, and locations, however, I would like to spend some more time using it as a resource in the future. I found some similarities between EarthCam and Google Earth but personally found Google Earth to be easier to use. Currently we are studying author's Lobel, Elhert, and Lewis as part of our reader's and writer's workshop. I would like to use these two websites to allow students to see where the books were written and published as well learn more about the author's particularly where they lived. I would also like to use the EarthCam in Science when teaching the weather unit as it shows the weather, temperature, and pictures of locations around the whole world. I think this would add a more universal touch for students and make the world connection which is many times forgotten.
Overall, I think this website offered many resources that I look forward to using in my classroom.
Overall, I think this website offered many resources that I look forward to using in my classroom.
Go! Animate Video
Check out my digital story. I created it on Go! Animate. It was the first time I used this program to create a digital story. I found the site to be user friendly and will defiantly come back and use it with my first grade students. Let me know what you think! ENJOY :)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Week Two- Watching Video Segments
The two video segments were very informational. The growth and change in technology over the past couple of years is truly amazing. I remember back when I was in elementary school and the tremendous growth in technology from then until now is remarkable. I did not have SMART-boards in my classrooms growing up or watch videos to connect to the world around me to enhance my learning. The advantages that my students have with all the technology opportunities really add a whole new component to the education they are receiving. I wish I had all of the resources and technology exploration when I was growing up.
I found the strategies and key points in the video very clear and easy to apply to how I am using technology in my classroom and answered some questions that I have been wondering as well as reassured what I have been thinking on ways to integrate technology into all content areas throughout the day. I agree that it is our role as teachers to incorporate technology all though out the school day which is what I currently practice with my students today.
Week Two- Exploring Activities
When exploring the activities and tools I was able to find many that I have used in my classroom as well as some that I have not used. As previously posted I have used Animoto, StoryBird, and VoiceThread with my first graders. Even though I have used these tools I took the time to view others created by teachers that were posted as resources. I enjoy viewing others work because it sparks new ideas that I would like to complete with my own group! I began to think how I could incorporate the new ideas into my daily curriculum.
While exploring I particularly enjoyed viewing the resources on Lesson Plan Resource Sites for K-12 Teachers. This site offered a lot of great websites and projects to try that I have not thought to try. I was very intrigued by the virtual field trips and begin to think that it was a great way to take students on a field trip when there is a tight field trip budget in place. There was a long list of possibilities provided which was great to see. The opportunities were endless. I was so excited that I shared the information with the other first grade teacher in my building and we started to talk about our field trip possibilities for the Spring. I also found the digital storytelling links to be very helpful in exploring new ways to use digital storytelling. I liked how each component of digital storytelling is broken down and different application and programs that you can find each to use are provided. The online storybooks and storyboard templates were very useful and I will use when I create my digital storytelling project and when I complete the next one with my students. The Kindergarten Animoto video was also very cute and I was able to notice connections to the activities that I completed with my students when I taught Kindergarten.
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http://littlebirdtales.com/ |
Has anyone used LittleBirdTales online? If so, into which content area/s? I have explored with this storytelling tool but have not had a chance to use it with my students.
Week Two- Readings
In this week’s reading, Expanding the New Literacies Conversations, the author made the impact of technology on our education clear. I enjoyed how it was expressed that the internet is a context in which reading, writing, and communication can occur (265). This is something that I believe strongly in but know of many reading teachers and specialists that have different beliefs. Currently in my building I feel as if there is a divide between us. We have teachers that believe all content areas should incorporated into technology and then there are a group that are stick in traditional teaching that believe they should be separate. I agree that it needs to be a collaborative approach so that those who believe they should remain separate can learn more about 21st century classrooms and how beneficial it truly is for the students. I really like the point the authors made in regards to students have regular access at home to the internet and them many of the times having to come to school and be restricted from using it. I find in my own classroom that most of my students are able to make create connections when integrating technology and have a lot of background knowledge of the programs I use. Students also seem to be more motivated with I am using technology from when they are required to just sit and read a book from their book bin or writing in their journals. I believe there needs to be a balance between using technology and using traditional forms, however, I think most of our time needs to be spent learning new ways to incorporate technology in all content areas so there are numerous opportunities to meet each students individual needs and interests.
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Skype http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/ |
In the other readings for this week: The C’s of Change, Digital Storytelling Finds its Place in the Classroom, and the 2011 Horizon Reports, I think the authors answered many questions about integrating technology appropriately and successful as well as explored different ways and programs that could be used. I really liked watching the Martin Luther King iMovie. I have been exploring with iMovie and it was great to see an example that connects to something that I just taught. I think this is a wonderful history lesson that could be modified and used with any grade level. The reading I enjoyed the most this week was The C’s of Change. The author did a wonderful job of answering many questions that I know many teachers in my building are curious about. I liked the points about challenges because it made me think about my own system and what we can offer to staff in order to eliminate some of the hesitation around 21st century classrooms. I strongly agree with the C’s: building creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, self-control, and comprehension skills and believe they are very important points to why technology is so important. I shared this with colleagues in my building and the technology specialist, their response to the article was very positive and it brought up the idea of beginning virtual pen-pals with students in different places of the world! Since then we have been using Skpye to explore our options.
Do you think if professional development is offered to the teachers that are resistant to the change, they may be more acceptable if they know more about the technology tools and how to incorporate them into every day learning?
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