Wednesday, March 28, 2012


While exploring VoiceThread for an upcoming Science project with my first graders, I came across many ideas on how to use VoiceThread to display the final product of our Animal projects.  Below are a few samples that I have starting showing my students as examples to how this project can be used.  My students are eager to begin.  They are in the process of writing their scripts and some have begun creating their pictures to do with their work.  Let me know what you think of these examples and which one you think would work best with first graders.  There are many great ideas that I am having a hard time deciding which format to use.

 Animal ABC's

Animal Research Projects


Animal Facts


  1. Rosanne, do you think you can use VoiceThread for the final Literacy Project in our course?

  2. Judy, I would love to give it a try! I am working on a science project with my students right now that incorporates researching data and a lot of reading. I think I would like to try and have my students show their final pieces through the VoiceThread. This is one idea but I am still have a few that I am considering!

  3. I think each example has something great and the best would be a combination! I liked when the children drew their own pictures, and I bet they'd like that better, too. But I also liked how the last one had helpful for the viewers! Sometimes children can be hard to hear..
